Sunday, October 29, 2006

My favorite, closest aunt died two weeks ago. It came an s a surprise even though we all knew her death was imminent. She had battled terminal cancer for three years with grace and a bit of style. Whenever her doctor would allow she went on trips including a cross-country trip during which she visited many of her friends. She was a generous person with all her resources, she cherished her relationships with everyone and more than many, lived her life with compassion and deliberateness. I will miss her. Jill was one of a kind.

What I don’t know is if she knew Jesus. I know she knew of and about him, she attended church all her life, she followed the ‘rules’ of the Christian life and did many good things, but I don’t know if she had a relationship with him. I also don’t think it is important that I know….all I want, selfishly, is to know I will see her again. The Bible never talks of having a relationship with Jesus yet he speaks through the gospels as if we should be intimate with Him (“if you know me you will know the father who sent me…”and other references in John). It seems to me if we live like him, we will know him, but there holds something even more in the Christian life. So, maybe she is in heaven, sitting at the feast table, staring into the eyes of Jesus getting her questions answered.

I have been slack lately in pursuing my relationship with him. I have been lazy and preoccupied. But maybe, just maybe, he hasn’t. Does God act on our behalf? Does he seek us out? Does he care when we don’t take the time to know him? I believe the answer is yes and even more so I believe he wants to know us, he wants us to be like him. HE reminds us if we listen, if we are paying attention.

I was surprised by the quick end to my aunts’ life and as I reflect I do not want people to wonder if weather or not I know Jesus. But to do this I need to take the time, be deliberate and value all my relationships. I will start with him…

Thank you Jill. Enjoy the party.

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