Friday, October 22, 2010


Remember jumping off the diving board when you were a kid. Remember the moment you were airborne and the terrifying yet incredible feeling before you hit it the water. Or how about that wonderful and bewildering millisecond between sleeping and waking when you forget where you are. Or how about the exhilaration of the first moment of free-fall down a roller coaster and you are off the seat and dropping a million miles per hour. Or the utter abandon the moment you forget you are at church and you are truly worshiping God all by yourself. Dare i mention the ecstasy of union with your spouse.

I was thinking of these moments the other night and how we live our lives often missing these moments. These are the feelings we often live for yet forget in the passing of time.

Being unleashed from gravity, being loosed from time, being free of all surroundings or the joy in being completely united with another. Or the splendor of true worship in spirit and in truth. Could all these moments be pointing to something?

I think of the instances in the Bible when the woman at the well understood or that guy Zacharias who waited for the moment to come along and finally saw Jesus and had a lightning flash of 'today i sup with you in your home'. Or the time Jesus frees the man of many demons--don't you think there was a instant of clarity? Or how about when Peter stepped out of the boat in obedience to Jesus? I believe we must remember these moments of others and of ourselves when we are challenged. When we are lulled into the monotony of the daily routine.

These glimpses, these instances of peace and joy. The utter abandon to the moment. If we risk nothing, be it intimacy or harm, we will pass them by, never the wiser, never changed. It is necessary to risk if we want those occasions. They will come and they will pass us quickly unless we remember them, cherish and savior them.

Jump brothers and sisters.

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