Sunday, July 04, 2010

Busy. Monitor training, seminar in the bush, truck broke down, overseas visitors...then AIM Moz. conference.

Funny, we had our annual mission conference here in Moz, which Cami and i had a lot of responsibility and my spiritual life went into hibernation! I know this isn't what was supposed to happen but it did. It has been nice the last 24 hours to be quiet and alone as a family (for the most part--as we baby sat two little ones so some dear friends could have a dinner date).

Then i had to think of what to preach on today and felt absolutely no prodding or inspiration...until last night i just started thinking about what is IT about what Christ has done for me. And i read Romans 5. Wow.

Hope, joy, love...suffering. It is such a great summary of our faith, of the gift we have received from Jesus. How he paid the debt, how we have entered joy and hope. How we are now free to live! To live with confidence and hope that all the suffering, all the disappointment will be rewarded--even turn out for the good. Verses 6-8 speak of how Christ died for us...while we were yet sinners. Isn't this amazing? Isn't it our motivation to live a holy life out of gratitude and thankful service to Jesus? Isn't it exciting we have this opportunity? We are at peace with God dear saints...peace with the creator and sustainer of the universe! How awesome is that?

Friends. Live today. Live with joy in your troubles and suffering knowing that Jesus has indeed made you free and his Holy Spirit fills us with love.Knowing we are at peace with the God who cares for us!

I will be coming stateside in two weeks and would love to see you...and tell you what God has done here. Pray for us as we have a lot to do and will it will definitely be sad to leave...

peace to all.

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