Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Before i forget....

I just wanted to say a big thank you for your generosity in supporting us. Weither it be through kind words, financial support or packages sent to us, THANK YOU. We know these times are tough for all of us.

I just wanted you all to know we are continually amazed by God's provision (through you) for us. Although at times things look bleak and news from home sounds bad, God comes through. Please do not stop believing this for us or yourselves.

As far as packages---we love them--- if we have not thanked you for one it isn't because we are ungrateful but it is probably because we haven't received it! (Drop us a note if you sent something out.)

Ok folks, off to the village to give a exam on Genesis, part one. This group is eager and applying the stuff to their lives. It is exciting and humbling to be here and do this work. Thanks for your part in making it happen...and continue to happen.


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