Friday, February 20, 2009

Ok, I am alive!
For valentines day i 'celebrated by throwing up and laying in bed with a 103 fever. Yeha.

Yup, after two years my inconsistency caught up with me and one of those little buggers (mosquitoes) found me with my defenses down. Ah, malaria. Really quite a pain, in so many ways.

But let me back up. Two weeks ago i was on my way back from one of the village classes with a pastor on the back of the moto with me and we attempted to leave a tire rut and the front tire slid under and we tumbled over. We weren't going fast or anything but i saw him yesterday and his sores are still healing. The next day after teaching we as a family heading to the beach for some R&R and we swam and snorkeled for two days and headed home again. The day following i came down with malaria (oblivious to the growing infection in my leg). After a few days delirious, taking serious meds i recovered enough to realize my leg was killing me only to find a red, hot, swollen sore...ugh. So we started the wrong kind of antibiotics.....until i finally called my dr. friend and he got us on the right track and now it is much better!

So. Besides that our internet was out for 8days (someone stole the fiber optic cable that runs along the road to the coast)and the boys have been sharing a a bacterial infection called impetigo--nasty skin thing). Cami is doing well...graciously caring for all us. I gave her the day off yesterday and she went to a guest cottage the other side of town and had some alone/down time int he quiet a/c. I must do that more. She deserves it!

So, now you know. where i have been and now i am back. Will write more---'spiritually' soon.

Peace out.

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