Tuesday, October 23, 2007

If i believe they are the essential, crucial and the only really important thing in this life, why can't i get them right? I have done a recent quick survey and found the following types of realtionships.

Bending: These are the relationships we are in and love yet they aren't quite what we want them to be. We attempt to get them right but in the end we don't really put forth the effort really needed. Often because what is needed is what the other person needs and we are too selfish or lazy. OR...circumstances test the relationship and it suffers for a time.

Bent: And it may eventually become less than what it could be and is forever bent.

Bruised: These are the relationships are good, most of the time but have underlying hurts done one to the other. Unspoken (because wouldn't it be trite to bring up little things?)and issues never addressed. Therefore the relationship remains on a certain level never to grow never to provide what it should.

Battered: Now these hurt the most because these are usually one-way. The battered usually takes a lot of abuse out of love for the other and the other never figures it out. The relationship stagnates (or breaks) and either one turns to resentment or turns inward with sorrow.

Broken: Ah, the final straw. One says (or doesn't say)to the other i am through...with this...with you. This cuts deep and is hard to forgive.

Now, listen i say these things because currently i am involved in all of them and it is hard some days to keep up, to keep fighting for the relationship as it should be. It is hard to struggle for a relationships when the other appears not to care. (I may be writing out of hurt and if you know who you are write me you butt, what gives?)But please notice that these are relationships, not the people. The people are a whole different barrel of fish. and generally i love fish, no matter how stinky or weirdly colored...or spiny. I really do love you all.

I remember when i started thinking differently about relationships in college and i remember reading my Bible alot and saw how God had relationships with people, not just agreements or contracts. We like to think 'if i do this he/she will do this', or 'if i am this way, he/she will be this way'. But it really doesn't work that way does it? We are often disappointed. God spoke to people (and i believe still does), He spoke directly and often but it required time and energy. Jesus walked miles with his disciples and when he met people he touched them, you can see Jesus looking them in the eye. You see, this kind of relationship, what i call the beautiful, isn't beautiful because it is pretty or easy or always fun, but it is honest and true. It has a level of caring willing to do for the other regardless of what is coming in return. Call it love (check out 1 Corinthians 13). It is a beautiful thing and i need more of it my life because without it i am lost and confused. Oh, and as far as marriage goes for you fundementalisticals, funny when the people quote the Bible one speaks of the women obeying her husband but doesn't it also say the man must lay his life down for his wife (rarely do you hear that in a wedding or sermon...) but that is a beautiful thing, the one dieing for the other.

Now that i have taken this relationship inventory try it yourself. The thing is, what i find is although it is a 'two way street', someone has to start moving and know where you are going and after that it is up to you. It may be hard work but there is nothing like a beautiful relationship.

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