Monday, August 27, 2007

What is of value is protected.

Seems to be a true statement wherever you are. In the USA we protect our stuff (homes, cars, boats) with fancy locks, high tech electronic devices and monitoring systems. Here in Moz we build big walls, put glass on top and hire guards to watch the place when we aren't around. We put immobilizers on our cars and locks on our steering wheels.

But more than anything I hate my walls. I hate having to protect my stuff. I would rather not have walls but i can't afford to replace the stuff either. So i protect what is most valuable to me. My family and then the stuff that makes our house a home and what makes our lives more comfortable. But this weekend i was challenged to guard something immeasurably more valuable. My heart.

If you know me at all or have read my heart seems to be...well bruised and just possibly it is because i have not guarded it, have not tended it as i should have.

The book of proverbs in the Bible tells us 'above all things, guard your heart' and yet i carry on like i don't have to. Is someone else going to take care of it? Are the depths of my soul going to be fed through osmosis...if i have a bible will i be actually profit from it? These questions come to mind and i have to ask myself not only have i been guarding my heart but how am i supposed to do that anyway?

The last few months have been traumatic, not in a bad way, but have had so much happen, so many new things to learn and digest my heart, my soul have been neglected. My body has been tired and my mind races every day. I have found myself short on compassion and patience for my kinds and not putting my wife's needs in front of mine. I have not spent time meditating on what is good. I have not prayed nearly enough and i have not loved as i should. But this weekend i did. I got back. I took the time, i listened to my wife and i spent time alone with God. I read his word because it is for me and i reveled in the fact that God loves me. These things are good for the guard. I found almost instantly i was not plagued by fear or disappointment. I found i had strength to go on and love to share. I found i want to serve heart was alright after all.

This is a daily thing and not an easy thing. But brothers, sisters, guard your heart, you only have one. If it has been broken, take extra care not to listen to lies. Not to feed on the negative and please don't forget,

You are loved.

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