Friday, April 20, 2007

“Through a veil dimly”.

first let me say sorry for delaying...been pretty busy new coutry and all...

Having been here in Mozambique for over a month somehow I had expected to have a little better clue as to what I would be doing. I had anticipated meeting my teammates here and listening to their ideas and stories and somehow (be it intrinsically or divinely) I would know what to do but in fact I have less of an idea now than I did before.

I am thrilled to be back in Africa and looking forward to moving into our own home in one of the neighborhoods outside of town. After being on the move for so long it is hard to imagine settling down and sticking to a place for more than a few years, God willing we will be able to do just that here in Nampula for many years. The ex-pat and missionary community is supportive and friendly; many different organizations working together and constantly dialoguing as to how best serve and help those here.

I have a job description but it was for working in Beira, not here and it leaves me with a lot of questions and endless possibilities. Which brings me to the idea of “seeing dimly”. There are a few instances referring to veils, most referring back to the old testament and Moses and how he had to cover his face to hide the glory of God which would have radiated from him and possibly hurt the Israelites after he had been speaking with God. Another is the allegory to our understanding of the things of God and how we will not comprehend His ways fully until when reach his side in heaven. Now, I understand in Christ we no longer have to hide our faces and in fact should be radiating clearly and brilliantly the face of God to everyone we meet WHILE at the same time not understanding Him or his ways. But man! It is hard sometimes.

Hmm. So here I am, ‘on the field’ ready for work and no-one, no-one has a clue as to what I am to do. (there have been some suggestions..) so I wait. And I live an I try to spend time in His presence so I may radiate, trusting that what I do not understand is in the mind and hands of a God whom I trust implicitly and unswervingly. It is a strange and wonderful place to be. I am content, no, more than that, honored to be here in this place and look forward to God directing my steps, introducing me to people and ministry.

Have you ever felt as if God were purposely making you wait for something. Either to avoid settling for something that is not the best or to make you thankful for what you will receive as the best for you.

So wait, I tell myself, spend time in his presence so as to radiate and have a proper perspective. And, as usual, enjoy the ride!

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