Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Pause. Read this slow.

As some of us drift we look around. And sometimes, just sometimes we look up.

In the vastness of space, in the infinite array of stars, in the galaxies upon galaxies, in the endless miles, no, light years we cannot even glimpse the end of the universe. In the immeasurable space where our galaxy gets lost, let alone our planet, we as individuals are puny, unrecognizable, yet we live like we are all that matters, like everything revolves around us. Me.

And yet, in all this, even though we are so ridiculously small, God, the Creator of all, not only was mindful that we exist, but choose to come here and be one of us. And then he did the unthinkable he died for us.

Now i have been feeling small and lost and have found out that i am not alone, in fact many feel the same way in their Christianity, in their relationship with God. I now have been reminded that i am small, insignificantly tiny compared to the scope of the universe, in the size and scope of a God i still don't understand. And yet---and yet He not only is mindful of me, but He loves a speck like me. He came for me, He lived for me, He died for me. He...for me and for a moment i don't feel so small, so lost. I may not be able to understand Him, or grasp all He is or all He's done for me but this i can do, i can hold Jesus the baby. I can imagine and feel the love of a baby. I can get my mind and arms around an infant. Maybe that is why God sent him to us as a baby.

This season hold the baby. Start there. If you haven't held a baby lately, go find one and grab it. (ask the mother first :) And as you gaze in the eyes look for God.

Merry Christmas everyone.

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