Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Well, after much ado, here i am. I have been unsuccessfully attempting to write meaningful things and communicate to my friends for years now. But it wasn't until i learned blogging wasn't for computer wizzes that i have now started.

So to begin, i will try to communicate my thoughts unrehearsed and unashamedly. My faith is my own, a gift i recieved many moons ago and if you don't agree or like it....well, tough. I believe the Bible to be true and applicable to our lives today. I also believe there are many different interpretations and many are not worth arguing about. I believe that many years people and the Christian church have argued and divided over issues of little or no importance. I believe that the stronger individual (having faith and conviction) can tolerate and accept those of limited tolerance or forberance. It is funny that those who preach acceptance don't accet the people who claim to be 'right'...

Anyway, here i am. I have lived in Africa and studied the religions of the Bantu people group. I perfer living in Africa than to the US as the later seems to be completely overwelmed wth Postmodern Me-ism.

I want to live my life in such a way as not to be avoiding the obvious nor overwelmed by it. I want to love the way Jesus taught (yikes--it is tough), and i want to be free.

So, until i feel the urge to purge.
God loves you and i will try my best

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